Affirmations Part II

1. It’s less about the goals you achieve and more about the fact that you set goals in the first place.  It instills hope, it inspires you.  It means you know which way you want to go.

2. It’s better that you’re not always happy.  You need to have something to strive for and look forward to.

3. Sometimes, sadness is just part of the story. There’s something beautiful about having something sad in your life.  It means you cared and loved something or someone, that you laid it all on the line, and submitted to the human condition.

4. If you’re not naturally inclined to be grateful for what you have, just think about a few things each day.  Slowly, you will realize that you have everything.

5. Nothing that will remain or that is worth having happens overnight. Rejoice in the little victories and be patient.  Don’t be discouraged by things that take a long time- they are always worth it.

6. Everything you need to be happy, you already have.  Nothing from the external, physical world will make you happier than you can make yourself right now, by learning to love what you have, not what you seek.

7. Stay interested in things because when you lose that interest, you lose interest in living.

8. There is a certain, unmistakable freedom in being honest, vulnerable and truthful.

9. Happiness has more to do with contentment than joy.  The latter is not sustainable, realistic or even desirable.  We need the contrast of things.

10. Making peace with uncertainty and change is the greatest feat, as it’s the only guarantee we have.  It is the only universal truth.

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